Create an MCP Server

Launch the MCP Guardian UI if it's not already running.
Select the MCP Servers tab, then click the Create New MCP Server button.
create mcp server
The Create MCP Server window has three fields:

  1. Namespace - This is used for grouping/organizing server configurations. It can be any value you want except mcp-guardian
  2. Name - The user friendly name to give the server.
  3. Config - The JSON configuration for launching the MCP server. Dozens of servers are available from

For this tutorial enter the following values:
Namespace - tutorial
Name - time-server
Config -

  "cmd": "uvx",
  "args": ["mcp-server-time", "--local-timezone=America/New_York"],
  "env": {}

If you don't have uvx installed, docker and pipx configurations are available here

Then click Save